Middle School
Teaching and Learning

Student Portfolios

Learning to Self-Reflect

Beyond in-class assessments and assignments given by teachers, our Middle School students are profoundly involved in assessing their own progress—particularly through the creation of portfolios. Throughout their time in Middle School, students craft journal entries and examples of their work. In each class, they are asked to reflect, self-assess, and consider these important questions: 

  • How well did you manage your time?
  • What accomplishments made you proud?
  • What was frustrating or challenging?  

Through this process, our students learn to focus on their personal growth, rather than comparing themselves to others—contributing to an atmosphere of true collaboration, rather than competition.

Sixth- and seventh-grade students present their portfolios and share their goals for the future with their parents and advisors in a 20-minute conference in the Spring of each academic year. Eighth-grade students host an extended discussion reflecting on their Middle School experience as a whole and looking ahead to Upper School—ending their first three years at NA with a strong sense of progress and accomplishment.
An independent school for students in grades 6-12