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Academy Voices Showcased Depth of Artistry in New York City

Members of Academy Voices had a rich day of great singing in New York City as they participated in a series of masterclasses - a choral class with Dr. Brandon Williams of Rutgers University and a musical theatre class with Broadway actor Ben Fankhauser. They also witnessed theater magic at the matinee performance of “Once On This Island,” performed in large studios that famous and aspiring performers rehearse and audition in, had an enjoyable group dinner, and ended their night demonstrating their teamwork skills in the Escape Room. “The group sang beautifully, were open to suggestions and directions from clinicians, witnessed art performed at the highest level, built a stronger camaraderie with one another, and to top it off, they were all respectful, helpful and a whole lot of fun to be around,” said NA Choral Director Viraj Lal about the inspiring day. 

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