News Detail

NA Faculty Members Led New Jersey Association of Independent Schools (NJAIS) Workshop

Twenty-seven attendees from more than four NJAIS member schools took part in an NJAIS workshop, "Leading from the Middle" for Department Chairs led by Newark Academy’s Science teacher and former Science Department Chair Nancy Celente, Language Department Chair Mary Lysinger and Humanities Department Chair Jeff Vinikoor. Department chairs play a pivotal role in educational leadership, yet as leaders "from the middle" they face unique challenges. At many schools, they are both colleague and evaluator, teacher and administrator. Using case studies as a springboard for discussion, this interactive workshop, led by current and former department chairs, helped attendees explore the contours of the role and identify the variety of skills required to succeed. "This workshop was excellent. The facilitators were knowledgeable and the flow of the day could not have been improved. It was top-notch," said an attendee about the experience. 
An independent school for students in grades 6-12